are pearly penile papules?
Pearly penile papules are very common, benign
growths of the skin typically located on the
corona of the glans penis. The small dome-shaped
pearly lesions are arranged all the way around the
glans, in one ore several rows.
Around one in four men have them. In older age
they become less apparent.
of pearly penile papules
Pearly penile papules do not cause any symptoms.
is the cause?
Pearly penile papules are completely benign and
are regarded as a normal anatomic variant.
Pearly penile papules are (unlike genital warts)
not due to viral infection.
Because pearly penile papules are completely
benign treatment is not necessary.
Treatment is possible, however. Pearly penile
papules can be vaporised by carbon dioxide laser
or electrosurgery. This treatment may result in a
complete clearance of the lesions but it should be
noted that local scarring is possible.