Lichen striatus

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lichen striatus
What is lichen striatus?
Lichen striatus is a rare but benign skin eruption that occurs mainly in young children. The cause of lichen striatus is unknown.

Symptoms of lichen striatus.

Lichen striatus presents as pink papules that in the cause of weeks form a linear band. The surface may be somewhat scaly. The band is usually a few millimeters in width and can be of considerable length. Sometimes the band may extend the entire length of the leg of arm. Lichen striatus is mainly found on the arms and legs but can also affect the trunk. Lichen striatus may itch but in most cases there are no symptoms.

What is the cause of lichen striatus?

The cause of lichen striatus is unknown.


No effective treatment for lichen striatus is known. It is a self-limiting disease and will usually resolve within one year.

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Further reading on lichen striatus

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